Thursday, 13 November 2014

Here. There. Wherever


Welcome to my travel blog. 

25/M/UK/size 10 feet

On the 15th January 2015 I will board a plane with my girlfriend of, by that point, a little over 5 years. We will be heading for India, Delhi to be more precise. Then we fly to Hong Kong and later to Bangkok. After that we have a million ideas taking us across Asia. We have a route in mind seeing us travel through Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Borneo, Sri Lanka, The Maldives and everywhere in between. Hell we might even go to New Zealand or Australia we really don't know and I like that.

Now I know travel blogs are ten a penny, so what is mine all about, is it any different from the majority? My honest answer, probably not. 

Anti climax or what... 

Right, I'll level with you this is going to be boring until I get away, or at least until I finish work in under 6 weeks time.Only then can I really get in the travelling frame of mind. 

I guess for now I just wanted to get something down.